
Swelling, heaviness, tired legs? Improve these symptoms in 3 easy steps

Swelling, heaviness, tired legs? Improve these symptoms in 3 easy steps

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Tired legs, swelling, heaviness throughout the body and general fatigue after a long day of work, exercising, due to pregnancy, or simply due to poor circulation... It's very common. Do you want to reduce these symptoms? Stay tuned and put these 3 tips into practice.

The accumulation of fluids that builds up throughout the day due to poor circulation, because we have been standing for too long or, on the contrary, we have been sitting for too many hours can be the cause of these symptoms. This accumulation of fluids, which can occur throughout the body and especially in the legs and ankles, is called edema. It is the effect of gravity that makes this swelling more noticeable in the calves and ankles. Another cause of the sensation of tired legs can be due to an alteration of the cutaneous microcirculation, which is responsible for regulating skin temperature and supplying oxygen. This alteration in microcirculation can also cause inflammatory reactions, varicose veins, cellulite... But we bring good news!

Did you know that preventing and eliminating this swelling, improving microcirculation, treating varicose veins even before they appear, reducing inflammation and fats, as well as toning and sculpting the body is possible with a healthy lifestyle and the help of natural cosmetics? That's right, we'll tell you more about it below.

3 Tips to prevent and eliminate leg swelling

Reducing the sensation of tired legs, and therefore swelling and fluid retention throughout the body, is possible by following a healthy lifestyle and taking care of your skin. Follow these 3 tips and you'll see the difference:

  1. Maintain a balanced and preferably low-salt and saturated fat diet. To do this, avoid sausages and butter, and super important, hydrate! Try to drink about 2 liters of water a day to promote blood circulation.
  2. Get moving! Physical activity brings many benefits to our body, but it also helps to prevent leg swelling and fatigue. How? Go for a walk, swim or bike ride without resistance, and you'll see how your legs feel lighter and freer.
  3. Bathe with cold water and massage your legs. In the shower, it is highly recommended to apply cold water to the calves to reduce leg heaviness and improve blood circulation. Also, after the shower, continue to pamper your legs with a massage in an upward direction, starting from the feet and ending at the thighs. For this, you can use a cream or gel that can hydrate, relieve, and refresh your legs in one step. How do you get such a product? Keep reading.

Revitalizing and reducing body serum

Why can a body serum help with leg swelling?

A body serum is formulated in the same way as a facial serum, so its botanical actives penetrate the skin more deeply than a cream. Its lighter texture than a cream makes it a product that is quickly absorbed and also acts in the deeper layers of the skin.

A body serum serves to soften, improve the circulation of the skin, and treat problems derived from poor circulation such as swelling, varicose veins, localized fat accumulation or fluid retention. If you already know all the benefits of a facial serum, imagine what a body serum can do for your body's skin.

From Freshly, we want to recommend the Hyaluronic Energy Body Serum that replenishes energy in your body, relieving fatigue, heaviness, and swelling. All this thanks to powerful plant actives and over 99% natural-origin ingredients. A revolution for the recovery of your body at the end of the day!

A body serum is suitable for all skin types and ages. So, whether you want to combat tired legs and swelling in the body after long hours of sitting or standing, you are pregnant and feel swelling at the end of the day, or your problem arises after exercising, the benefits of a revitalizing, soothing and refreshing body serum are ideal for you.

What makes this natural body serum so special?

The Freshly body serum revitalizes the skin of the body, providing a feeling of relief from heaviness and swelling, activating circulation and draining accumulated fluids.

But that's not all, let's take it step by step!

Revitalizing and reducing body serum

Stimulates blood circulation and treats varicose veins

Improves microcirculation by 30% thanks to red algae and goldenrod actives.

Fights and prevents tired or swollen legs

It is one of its main functions, and the feeling of freshness and relief is instant thanks to its gel-like texture. Provides a pleasant feeling of comfort ideal for when you are tired and just before going to sleep.

Tones and is anti-inflammatory

Achieves 23% more firmness in the skin and 9.4% more elasticity.

Sculpt your body and reduce localized fat

Thanks to an ultra-marine active ingredient, this body serum reduces the contour of the abdomen, legs, and arms. If you add exercise to all of this, the powerful effect of this serum can further increase this reduction.

Reduces and prevents swelling and fluid retention

Its ability to activate microcirculation promotes the drainage of accumulated fluids with the consequent reduction of swelling.

Increases skin smoothness and hydration

The mauritius triple active ingredient and a raponticina complex are responsible for this body serum's ability to increase skin hydration up to 19% after 30 minutes of application.

Revitalizing and reducing body serum

How do I apply the body serum and how do I combine it with other products?

This body serum is ideal for applying just before going to bed. At night, follow your usual nutrition and hydration routine and as a last step, apply the Hyaluronic Energy Body Serum, just before going to bed. This way, the natural actives it contains have all night to work.

Apply several pumps of the body serum in your hands and spread it all over your body with circular movements, especially in those areas where you feel more swollen!

Tip! If you want to further enhance its benefits, you can also apply it in the morning.

Plus, it has a fruity pitanga aroma that provides a sensation of relief, comfort, well-being, and instant freshness. Get the Hyaluronic Energy Body Serum now! Your tired body at the end of the day will thank you. Also suitable for pregnant women.

Freshly wants to tell you something! At Freshly we keep on learning every day how to make decisions that bring us closer to a better future. Sometimes we are called dreamers, but what we really have is an optimistic vision and clear path for reaching that tomorrow.
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Chi meglio di voi può raccontarci i benefici dello Hyaluronic Energy Body Serum?
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  • LaRonJam Raji
    21 Agosto 2021
    Body serum
    I absolutely love the sound and benefits of this body serum. Looks like its something my body will benefit from. Being that I'm living with diabetes, my skin is affected in so many ways - dryness, dull, wrinkles, slow healing of wounds etc. I would love to try this product and hope that you have samples for potential customers to try. Thank you for taking the time to read my message and for your confirmation of this matter. I look forward to hearing from someone soon. Kind regards LaRonJam Raji
    Freshly 21 Agosto 2021
    Thanks for writing us, LaRonJam! :D At this moment we do not have samples of this product, but we do not doubt that once you try it you cannot live without it! ;) Have a nice day! :D